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Children in Need of Special Protection (CNSP)

 are those aged below 18 who are vulnerable to or have been victims of abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence.

Adolescent Girls in the Streets (AGS)

are aged 9-17 years old girl-children who spend most of their time in the streets to escape from undesirable circumstances at home, in school, or in their place of residence. They usually band together in groups —often forming gangs— where they are more likely to exhibit anti-social behavior such as using drugs, drinking liquor, orengaging in gang riots. They are confronted with issues on corporal punishment, prostitution, experienced different forms of abuses (physically, sexual, verbal) trafficking and pornography, juvenile justice, involvement on vices and risk-taking behaviours and lack of access to education and other basic services. 

Why the streets?

The AGS has experienced some form of child abuse. The abuses may be physical, verbal, or sexual-sometimes a combination among the three. The perpetuators are often their very own family members. Their own homes are no longer the place where they feel most safe, secure, and appreciated; solace in the streets is better than experiencing abuse at home.